Monday, 28 June 2010

Update from the Patch

Summer has shown its face and it has been quite warm for the last few days on and off.
The pumpkin plants have showed signs of life.
Alas some have been lost to fox's and other critters which is really annoying, but I have two plants that are doing well, Frankie and Jenni. George got dug up but just checked it and there is a flower showing, which should be out soon.

Jenni showed her first flower today:

Two new recruits to the patch are Timur and HMS:

This is Timur, a Turks Turban pumpkin.

It is named after a Turkish bloke I know.

And this one is called HMS as it is an Invincible type pumpkin.
Well can you think of a better name?
Both came from Hanwell carnival the other week.
Note that the chicken wire which is used to stop critters digging them up, seems to be working so far.
Also there are some "Seeds of Pumpy" plants which are doing good too, more photos as things progress.