Sunday, 16 May 2010

Photos from the patch

This photo shows a photo of the patch after some weeding has been done, the two polythene mini polytunnels cover Frankie at the back and Pumpkina in the Middle. The mound in the bottom right of the photo is where Indy will be going.
Jenni isn't shown in this photo and George is still growing in the house. Hopefully these will soon cover the whole of this area. But it's been a very long wait for warmer weather this year.

Meanwhile back inside my house

Inside the house, there are more seeds germinating, these are the seeds from Pumpy who grew last year. I don't expect much from these but they will be planted anyway.

Also being germinated are two more giant pumpkins, these are called Indy and George and will be planted very soon.
The other plants in this shot are Loofahs and/or seed of Pumpy.

Saturday, 15 May 2010

Photos of the pumpkins so far

This Frankie the Pumpkin. He's doing quite well.

And this is Jenni the Pumpkin

This is Pumpkina today, as you can see, it hasn't grown much due to the elongated winter weather we are having.

But today is sunny and warmish so its time to do some more weeding.